Thursday 17 March 2016

Drag Wednesdays (yes, it's Thursday) and foundation...

Well, it was Drag Wednesday yesterday!! This week's episode of Drag Race was absolutely fantastic! The main challenge performance was fantastic and honestly, there was nobody out of the crowd that I could say was worthy of being in the bottom two. Unfortunately, there had to be two and Laila McQueen and Dax Exclamation Point were the two unlucky queens to land in the bottom. Now, I really like both queens and I was hoping, due to the fact that nobody was actually bad in the challenge, that it was going to be a non-elimination and was just gonna be an opportunity to scare the shit out of the queens and get them to step their game up. The lipsynch that followed sealed their fate. Both queens were lipsynching to 'I Will Survive' and it didn't end well.  Halfway through the mediocre (sorry but as much as I loved them both, it's true) lipsynch it became apparent what was going to happen. None of the judges seemed impressed throughout the whole thing and, to be honest, Rupaul looked as if she was glaring at them the whole time. When both of them were eliminated, it wasn't much of a surprise as I think it was intended to be. Disappointing end to such an electric episode.

So this week's runway look that I decided to attempt (and fail), was Acid Betty's look. Out of all the queens, this was the one that really caught my eye. It was so creative and really made me go 'Wow!'

Covering my eyebrows is the bane of my existence and it causes me great strife. I never seem to be able to get them completely smooth no matter how hard I try and I think I might end up shaving half of them off again to help aid the covering. But we'll see what happens. I'll pop the products used underneath...
Pre- blended contour photos are always worth a look...

Honestly, it's not the worst drag look I've ever done (honest) but it's definitely not on par with the original look. I left my make-up box feeling a little bit disappointed but, like I said last time, I've seen worse! LOL 

After seeing the photos, I really have fallen in love with golf eyebrows and really thinking of incorporating gold eyebrows into my everyday make-up. Already I can picture the looks on people's faces when they see them but I think it's fierce and definitely eye catching.

Question #4 on the make-up challenge was about foundation. Whether you like wearing foundation, what foundation do you like and what colour are you.

Whenever I wear make-up, I ALWAYS wear foundation. I figure that if I'm going to put in the effort to make my eyes look good, what's the point in leaving the rest of my face mediocre. It's been a struggle finding the perfect foundation and I've tried loads of different brands in the hope that one day, I'd find the right one. I'm currently using No.7 Beautifully Matte foundation and I discovered it by accident.

My sister and I have quite different skin tones, she's more pinky and I'm more of a yellow base (even though I'm actually white as a sheet when you see me from a distance) and this foundation colour (Calico, which I believe is the palest shade) was totally off on her skin tone. So I found it laying around one afternoon and thought I would give it a shot, just to see what it was like. To my surprise, I loved it. Normally, I don't buy No.7, for no other reason than I seem to forget the brand. I normally shop in Superdrug and No.7 is only sold in Boots. It's a nice full coverage foundation. Not too watery, not too thick and it covers SO well! Primer wise I only use a small amount of Nivea Post Shave Balm so there's not really any coverage underneath and I don't use concealer very often unless I have a break out (usually around THAT time of the month) so I was pleasantly surprised at the flawless finish. It's £14.50 for a bottle and you don't need a hell of a lot to do your face as it covers so well. And like I said, with the consistency of it along with a beauty blender (Real Techniques one), it's really smooth and easy to apply. I won't try any other foundation since stumbling across this one!

Oh my god! I can't believe I forgot! I got an interview for college next week. Since I've rambled on quite a bit this morning, more on that tomorrow!! Interview prep, inspiration and comfort zones to follow!

x M x

Products used in drag look:

Nivea Post Shave Balm
Cheapy contour pallete (second darkest shade of contour)
NYX Jumbo pencil in white (for highlight & eyeshadow base)
MUA Loose Powder
NYX powder blush in Silky Rose
Collection glittery liquid liner in gold (for eyebrows)
Cheapy 180 eyeshadow palette
B is for Beautiful gel eyeliner (for eyeliner and chest/face detail)
Primark Dramatic false lashes
Barry M Show Girl mascara
LA Splash Lip Coutour liquid lipstick in Poison Apple
Cheapy contour palette (sparkly light shade for highlighting cheekbones)
MUA highliter pressed powder (for nose highlight, forehead and upper lip)

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